
Development of battery management systems

At FSM AG, we offer comprehensive solutions for the development of battery management systems (BMS). Our goal is to transform your ideas into tangible and innovative concepts that are both safe and efficient. As your innovative development partner, we cover a broad spectrum: from electronics, software and layout development to mechanical and system development, we can support you from the initial product idea to the realization of prototypes, the series product and product maintenance. For us, functional safety is the central theme that you can expect in every one of our developments. 

Your contact persons

Konrad Molz

Konrad Molz
Your sales contact
Phone +49 7661 9855 100


Jörg Wittmer

Jörg Wittmer
For technical questions
Phone +49 7661 9855 140


The core areas of our development offering

With FSM AG as your partner, you benefit from our many years of experience and our commitment to quality and innovation. Our aim is to support you every step of the way and ensure that your battery management system is optimally tailored to your needs.

Ein Mitarbeiter der FSM AG sitzt in einem Büroarbeitsplatz an einem Computer und betrachtet den Bildschirm konzentriert. Im Hintergrund ist ein neutraler, heller Büroraum erkennbar.

Converting the customer idea into a concept

We work closely with you to transform your vision into a detailed and functional concept. Our experienced team ensures that your requirements are fully captured and technically implemented.

Das Bild zeigt zwei Mitarbeiter der FSM AG in einem Gespräch, dargestellt in einem modernen und hellen Arbeitsumfeld.

Optimization of the overall system

Our focus is on the holistic optimization of the battery management system in the context of its area of application. This includes both the hardware and software components to ensure maximum efficiency and reliability.

Zwei Mitarbeiter der FSM AG in einem Gesprächsbereich. Der Mitarbeiter links hält einen Laptop und erklärt etwas, während die Mitarbeiterin rechts in einem blauen Sessel sitzt und aufmerksam zuhört. Die helle Umgebung unterstreicht die entspannte Gesprächsatmosphäre.

Maximum safety and top performance

We ensure that your BMS meets the highest standards of functional safety without compromising on performance. Our solutions are designed to maximize the security of your applications while delivering the best possible performance.

Das Bild zeigt einen Mitarbeiter der FSM AG, lächelnd und in Nahaufnahme, in einem hellen und modernen Arbeitsumfeld.

Overview of standards and approvals

We keep an eye on all relevant standards and approvals and ensure that your BMS complies with legal requirements. This includes documentation and support with certification.

Ein Mitarbeiter der FSM AG blickt lächelnd in Richtung eines Kollegen, der im Vordergrund unscharf zu sehen ist. Beide scheinen sich in einer entspannten Unterhaltung oder Besprechung zu befinden, während sie in einem modernen Büro mit natürlichem Tageslicht arbeiten. Die Szene vermittelt eine angenehme und kollegiale Atmosphäre.

Systems Engineering

  • Explicit implementation of implicit requirements: We also identify and implement the requirements that have not been explicitly formulated but are crucial to the success of your project.
  • Support in defining and designing the overall system: Our team provides support in defining the system architecture and technical specifications to ensure that all components interact harmoniously and efficiently.
  • Certification support: We guide you through the entire certification process to ensure that your product receives all the necessary certifications.
  • Circuit diagram and layout: Our experts create detailed circuit diagrams and layouts for your battery management system.
  • Documentation: We provide comprehensive and comprehensible documentation that covers all aspects of the BMS and helps you keep track of everything

Rapid BMS prototyping

Mitarbeiterin und Mitarbeiter in der Produktionsumgebung, vertieft in eine Aufgabe.

Do you need a “quick sample” so that you can start integration while we manufacture your BMS?

To BMS prototyping

BMS production

Eine Mitarbeiterin der FSM AG, erkennbar am schwarzen T-Shirt, arbeitet konzentriert an einem Computerarbeitsplatz. Im Hintergrund sind unscharf technische Arbeitsumgebungen zu erkennen.

Even if we offer our customers the opportunity to find other production partners by disclosing the data, we are happy to convince them to have their product manufactured by us. 

To BMS production

Sustainable engineering

Luftaufnahme des Firmengebäudes der FSM AG bei Sonnenaufgang, umgeben von Feldern, Bäumen und einer ländlichen Landschaft.

We can determine the product carbon footprint of all our products and thus offer our customers a basis for making sustainable product design decisions. 

To our climate contribution

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