
Range of services in the field of battery management systems

Our comprehensive range of services in the field of battery management systems (BMS) guarantees you reliable support and care throughout the entire life cycle of your products. We offer tailor-made services that help you maximize the performance and longevity of your systems.

Our total costs of ownership are lower than those of our competitors, as we provide efficient and reliable support for all commissioned process steps in product development.

Your contact person

Konrad Molz

Konrad Molz
Your sales contact
Phone +49 7661 9855 100


Eine Mitarbeiterin der FSM AG in einer technischen Arbeitsumgebung, die ein Headset anlegt. Im Hintergrund ist eine grüne Wand zu erkennen, die eine helle und freundliche Atmosphäre vermittelt.

Complaints and repairs

Our dedicated service team is always available to help you with complaints and repairs. We offer fast and efficient solutions to minimize downtime. Our aim is to ensure that your systems always work optimally and that your business processes run smoothly.

Das Bild zeigt zwei Mitarbeiter der FSM AG in einem Gespräch, dargestellt in einem modernen und hellen Arbeitsumfeld.

Lifecycle Manage­ment

Lifecycle management encompasses the holistic support of your battery management systems from development to the end of their useful life. We support you in extending the service life of your products and continuously improving their performance.

Vier Mitarbeiter der FSM AG sitzen an einem Besprechungstisch in einem modern ausgestatteten Raum. Auf dem Tisch liegen Notizbücher, Stifte und Getränke, während die Gruppe in eine aktive Diskussion vertieft ist. Im Hintergrund sind ein Bildschirm mit einer technischen Darstellung und eine Pinnwand mit Dokumenten und Konzepten zu sehen, die auf kreative und kollaborative Teamarbeit hinweisen.

Change Manage­ment

Changes in technology and market requirements require flexible adjustments and upgrades to your systems. Our change management service offers you the support you need to implement changes and adaptations to your battery management systems. We guide you through the entire process to ensure that all modifications are carried out smoothly and efficiently.

Piktogramm für ein Zertifikat.

Support with approvals

Approvals are a crucial step in successfully bringing your products to market. At FSM, we understand the challenges associated with the certification process and therefore incorporate the standard requirements into our work right from the start. This enables us to provide you with the best and most comprehensive support for all certification issues. 

Our experts provide you with targeted support in the implementation of the relevant BMS standards and accompany the certification process. In this way, we ensure that your BMS meets the required specifications and can be smoothly integrated into the certification process. Together, we ensure that your products receive the necessary certificates to meet the high requirements of your markets.

Visit our standards and approvals page for more detailed information.

BMS development

Zwei Mitarbeiter in einer technischen Umgebung bei der Arbeit, im Hintergrund rote Gerätschaften.

Our aim is to transform your ideas into tangible and innovative concepts that are both safe and efficient. 

To BMS development

BMS production

Eine Mitarbeiterin der FSM AG, erkennbar am schwarzen T-Shirt, arbeitet konzentriert an einem Computerarbeitsplatz. Im Hintergrund sind unscharf technische Arbeitsumgebungen zu erkennen.

Even if we offer our customers the opportunity to find other production partners by disclosing the data, we are happy to convince them to have their product manufactured by us. 

To BMS production

Sustainable engineering

Luftaufnahme des Firmengebäudes der FSM AG bei Sonnenaufgang, umgeben von Feldern, Bäumen und einer ländlichen Landschaft.

We can determine the product carbon footprint of all our products and thus offer our customers a basis for making sustainable product design decisions. 

To our climate contribution

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