
Looking for a solution to your backup problem?

For over 25 years, we have been developing and manufacturing individual transformer starter switches for our customers. The wishes of our customers vary greatly: sometimes only a special label is attached to the transformer starter switch, other times a completely new product has to be developed at the customer's request. With our agile development and project planning, we can react flexibly and individually to different requirements. Development, project management, production and service work hand in hand at one location to create your customized product and enable rapid adaptation to your applications. Contact us now and share your idea with us.

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Examples of customized TSR solutions

Das Bild zeigt eine Frau mit einem Kind vor einer Fußgängerampel. Die Ampel zeigt rot, und im Hintergrund sind mehrstöckige Wohngebäude und grüne Bäume sichtbar. Die Szene spielt in einem urbanen Umfeld mit Fokus auf Verkehrssicherheit.

Traffic light control

Modern gestalteter Innenbereich mit Glasfassaden, reflektierenden Oberflächen und grünem Beleuchtungseffekt.

LED video floor

Das Bild zeigt eine medizinische Dialysemaschine in einem klinischen Umfeld. Eine Hand bedient die Steuerung der Maschine, während Kabel und Schläuche an die verschiedenen Module angeschlossen sind. Im Hintergrund ist ein Krankenhausbett und weiteres medizinisches Equipment sichtbar.

Medical technology

Bild eines weißen Übertragungswagen

OB van

Seilbahn mit roten Gondeln über einer verschneiten Landschaft, Wolkenmeer im Hintergrund.

Panel heating

Automatisierte Produktionshalle mit zahlreichen Industrierobotern, die an Förderbändern arbeiten.

Industrial machines

This is how the development of a customized solution usually works:

From the idea...

Piktogramm einer aufkommenden Idee (leuchtende Glühbirne)


It all starts with your idea. You are the specialist for your application, we are the specialist for the transformer starter switch. Together we work out the basic requirements for your application and create an idea for a customized transformer starter switch. 

Piktogramm eines Blatt Papiers mit Bleistift


Once we have gained a basic understanding of your application, we start designing the transformer starter switch, which is the basis for a qualified quotation. This gives us an initial idea of what the solution should look like. At this stage, we prepare a project plan to give you a time frame for series production.


Piktogramm einer Lupe

As soon as you have decided to work with us, the actual product definition begins. A qualified specification sheet is created from the technical concept. This describes the realization of your product in detail. Once the product definition is complete, you will know exactly what your product can do and how it will behave in your system. You can therefore continue working on your system even without a prototype.

Piktogramm eines Menschlichen Kopfes mit einem Chip.


Once the product has been fully defined, our engineers and technicians develop your customized product. At the end of the development phase, you will receive the first near-series samples. 

...up to the series product

Piktogramm eine abgeharkten Zettels (Freigabe)


Now it's up to you! You can use the samples from the development phase to check whether our solution works with your product as expected. If the samples meet your expectations, the official qualification can begin

Piktogramm eines Zertifikats

Series preparation

As soon as the developed product meets all the requirements of your system, preparations for series production can begin. This includes the procurement of components in series quantities, EMC tests and the construction of test systems for series production. At the end of series preparation, further samples are produced to series standard as part of a pilot series. Once the pilot series samples have been approved, series production can begin.

Piktogramm eines Firmengebäudes mit Eigenfertigung

Series production

Thanks to a flexible production organization and a high assembly and testing capacity, series products can be manufactured with optimized throughput times. 

Piktogramm mit einer abgeharkten Sprechblase


In addition to comprehensive advice on the product itself, we are also happy to support you with questions about applications, commissioning or repairs. For us, service does not end with the start of series production - we continue to support you afterwards with various product and process-oriented services.

Does that sound like what you're looking for?

Then please contact us:

Jürgen Schlegel

Jürgen Schlegel
Phone +49 7661 9855 360


Manuel Beha

Manuel Beha
Technischer Ansprechpartner
Phone +49 7661 9855 377


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